A digital prescription for business
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry standard dummy text ever.
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry standard dummy text ever.
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry standard dummy text ever.
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry standard dummy text ever.
Truck Mechanic™ cuenta con la más grande y más completa línea de sensores e interruptores de Brasil. Sensores, actuadores y sistemas de cables y conexiones son cada vez más importantes y esenciales para el buen funcionamiento de los vehículos modernos. La definición perfecta de estos elementos es un factor indiscutible de ventaja competitiva para los fabricantes de automóviles de hoy … Ler mais
Bombas de combustible, bombas de basculamiento, tensores de correa y poleas, se encuentran entre los productos más rentables en nuestro portfolio. También son componentes de suma importancia para el buen funcionamiento de su vehículo. La correcta aplicación y la calidad de estos elementos son factores cruciales que representan ventaja competitiva, tanto para los fabricantes como … Ler mais
Con la línea premium de Truck Mechanic™ la diferencia aparece! Es importante garantizar una mayor eficiencia y economía a lo largo de todo el ciclo de vida de un vehículo comercial; la transmisión es un elemento extremadamente importante para lograr un nivel considerable de reducción en el consumo de combustible y el control de … Ler mais
Truck Mechanix™ has the largest and most complete line of sensors and switches in Brazil Sensors, actuators, cables & connections systems are increasingly important and essential for the proper functioning of modern vehicles. The perfect definition of these elements is an indisputable factor of competitive advantage for today’s automobile manufacturers, allowing themto reach the desired … Ler mais
Truck Mechanic™ has the biggest and most complete line of Tensioners, fuel and cabin tilt pumps. Fuel pump, Tilt pump, belt tensioners and pulleys, are among the most profitable products in our range. They are also components of extreme importance for the proper operation of your vehicle. The correct application and quality of these elements … Ler mais
With our gearbox line of products the difference is clear! Greater efficiency and economy need to be ensured throughout the life cycle of a commercial vehicle; the transmission is an extremely important item to achieve a considerable level of reduction i fuel consumption and control of CO² emissions. In addition to that, the gearshift of a … Ler mais
Com a nossa linha de produtos para câmbio a diferença é evidenciada! Maior eficiência e economia precisam ser assegurados em todo ciclo de vida de um veículo comercial; a transmissão é um item de extrema importância para se alcançar um nível considerável de redução no consumo de combustível e controle das emissões de CO2. Além … Ler mais